Tuesday, 22 December 2015

SQL Server using Windows/Active Directory Groups

My experience working as an operational DBA is that a significant portion of time is spent on time consuming repetitive requests from the end users or necessary maintenance work like monitoring space usage and remedying issues with limited space.  

If the DBAs are lucky and are sent on training from time to time, they may have the opportunity to learn about interesting topics like performance tuning or troubleshooting performance issues.  My experience with this is that you can go off and learn all sorts of tips and tricks about performance optimization and get back to work with intentions of utilizing your new or refreshed skills and proactively tuning your environment.  However, you get back to work and the steady stream of day to day requests such as security provisioning returns and your best intentions once again have to take a back seat.

The topic of using Windows/AD groups for the purposes of SQL Server security is not only a security best practice that is recommended by Microsoft but also a very concrete action you can take to free up time to perform additional proactive operations that improve the SQL Server environment that you are responsible for. 

In this blog, Ill summarize just a couple benefits of using Windows/AD groups to make securing your SQL Server much more efficient and less labor intensive.

Anyone who has attained any level of SQL Server certification knows that learning the basics of SQL Server is required learning.  Two of the first things you learn about is the need for creating users and logins in SQL Server and time is spent learning the difference.  

In order to even connect to a SQL Server instance you need to have a login to authenticate your credentials.  That login is mapped to a user object and from there privileges and permissions are provisioned as necessary.  Sounds simple right? It is but it can get a lot more complicated due to the amount of work it would take to administer all of these objects if we created logins and user objects for each individual user and for each application context.

The basis of this blog is that Windows authentication should be used to leverage the security of a trusted domain in a Windows network environment.    Benefits also include being able to use the features such as password complexity and expiration requirements that are administered by the domain administrators. 

When defining a login it is good idea to use an Windows/AD group such as the following:

USE [master]

Then you can create a user object for this login:

USE [Adventureworks2012] 
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader'N'DOMAIN\ADGroup';

A very real benefit from a security view is that now connection strings from applications to the SQL Server instance do not need to include vulnerable passwords.  If the domain is a trusted domain then a connection string such as the following will be much more secure.


The biggest time saving benefit is now when a new employee is hired or when an employee leaves, the domain administrator will just have to include or exclude them from the Windows/AD group and because the login is created with the Windows/AD group the user will automatically be included or excluded from the SQL Server security model.  No more adding or deleting individual logins and users and also the risk of creating orphaned users is reduced as well.

A lesser known benefit of using Windows/AD groups for logins is that the ability to audit on a granular level is not lost.  For example, a user is authenticated by signing on to their trusted domain.  The Windows/AD group is mapped to a login.  When a SQL Server user who is mapped to that login performs DDL or DML their actions are logged as their Windows account.  If you were to execute SP_WHO2 you would see their own personal Windows account ie: Domain\UserName.

This illustration shows the various level of security from a Windows level to a Database level.  

Example: Permissions Hierarchy (MSDN)

By creating a Windows/AD group and a server level role and a database level user the security model becomes very robust.

Thanks for reading,

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